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Celebrate with 24 pink long stem roses in a stunning bouquet. Each gorgeous pink rose bouquet is the perfect way to share the joy with friends and loved ones during special occasions. No matter the cause for celebration, every gift of 24 pink long stem roses is a thoughtful flower gift for those closest to you.
Breathtaking pink rose bunches are ideally suited for memorable occasions with the beloved people in your life. A lovely long stem rose bouquet is an elegant gift that will make your loved ones feel special and appreciated. There is no more stylish rose gift than a gorgeous arrangement of two dozen long stem pink roses.
For gifting flower presents at special events and celebrations, any selection of our special pink rose bouquets is a stylish floral gift that’s both pleasing to the eye and to the heart. Surprise them with a thoughtful bouquet 24 pink long stem roses as a token of your friendship and love.